Constitution of the Central Sevens Golf League

1. League Name

The League shall be known as "Central Sevens Golf League”.

2. Objectives of the Central Sevens League

The primary aim of the Central Sevens Golf League is to foster keen competition between golf clubs in the largely BB&O area by creating an inter-club league for their handicap players to compete in.

3. Status of Rules

The League Rules, published separately and available on the Club website, form a binding agreement between each Member Team and the League.

3. Membership of the Central Sevens League

The Central Sevens League is formed by the member Clubs and operated by its nominated committee as a golf inter-club league.

All member Clubs, as a condition of membership of the League, shall agree and comply with the Constitution and Rules of the League insofar as they do not infringe on their own Club rules.

All member Clubs shall pay annual membership fees by the date set by the Committee but in any event no later than 14 days prior to the first meeting of the year. The Committee shall set the fee at the AGM each year. Any fees not paid per the details above may result in the Club being suspended or removed from the current year's competition until fees are paid and at the Committee’s discretion.

All members Clubs will provide the name and full contact details, including updates, of the Club members' official contact to the League Secretary i.e. Club Manager or Secretary and Team Captain. Team Captains are representatives of a Club therefore ensure they are informed of the League rules, and the expectations of the member Club committee.

All Clubs are responsible for the safekeeping of any Trophies that they win and retain for the year. In the event of a Trophy being damaged or stolen, it is the responsibility of that Club to repair or replace the Trophy or reimburse the Committee for any costs incurred in replacing the Trophy. Failure to do so will result in the Club being excluded from the League and Knockout Cup.

4. Organization of the League

A Committee shall be elected to operate the League consisting of a Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, and one Independent Member selected from the League Clubs.

5. Election of Officers

The Chairman, Secretary, and Treasurer nominated positions shall be elected at the AGM and normally serve a three-year term but can be re-elected to serve for a further term. The Chairman and Committee will put forward nominations for the post of Chairman, Secretary, and Treasurer for ratification at the AGM. The Chairman and Secretary would normally be an experienced past team Captain or player who has a good understanding of the League. A Committee member may hold two nominated positions but not three.

The Independent Member will serve for one year but can be re-elected each year. Nominations for the Independent Member shall be balloted by the Team Captains or Club representative at the AGM if more applications than vacancies are received. Nominations are to be forwarded to the Secretary with the name of no later than 1 week before the AGM. In the event of a tie, the Chairman has the casting vote.

6. Annual General Meeting (AGM)

An AGM will be held each year, normally in November, and at an appropriate venue. Notice will be forwarded to every paid-up club of the League at least 14 days beforehand. The Chairman shall chair the meeting or in his absence, a nominated Committee Member will act as Chairman for the AGM or EGM. In the event of any ballot or vote being tied, the Chairman or stand-in chairman shall have the casting vote.

Two representatives of each team may attend and if a decision is needed on any matter then each team shall have one vote. Rules of the League can be changed by the Committee, or at the AGM or EGM by simple majority, in the event of a tie the Chairman or stand-in chairman of the meeting has the casting vote.

7. Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM)

An EGM can be called anytime by either a majority of the Committee or by a minimum of 30% of the total member Clubs. Written notice must be given to every member Club of the League of the intention to hold an EGM at least 21 days before the proposed date by those calling the meeting. The venue of the meeting will be advised at the time of the call. An EGM has the same standing as an AGM.

8. League Funds

The League funds will be deposited in the Central Sevens League bank account. All outgoings and expenses should be sanctioned by the Committee. The Treasurer, Secretary, and or Chairman may disburse funds on the Leagues' behalf prior to sanction if they consider it urgently necessary. Two signatures will be required for all outgoings, this will be made up of the Secretary, Treasurer, and Chairman.

The League prefers that Clubs make their annual entry fee payments via bank transfer into the League's Bank Account - sort code 40-35-34, Account Number 72256010.

The Treasurer will be the Primary User and will be able to make payments solely. All online payments must have supporting documentation that will be signed for approval to pay by either the Chairman or Secretary to ensure the two-signature discipline is maintained.

In the event of the Treasurer being unavailable for some time then the Treasurer can delegate access to the on-line account, this should be approved in writing by the Chairman and the Secretary.

9. Financial Reporting

The Treasurer will keep up-to-date accounts throughout the year to assist the Committees financial planning. Before an AGM, the Treasurer will also publish and distribute to the clubs detailed annual accounts showing all income and expenditure throughout the year and be able to offer comments and answer any questions raised by member clubs concerning the financial affairs of the League.

10. Committee Meetings

A Committee meeting will be held generally three times a year to discuss the League's business and the next year's league fixtures and formats. The Chairman (in his absence the Secretary) will act as chairman for committee meetings. In the event of any ballot or vote being tied, the Chairman shall have the casting vote. A quorum for voting purposes is no less than 3 Committee members in attendance.

11. Membership Application

Clubs wishing to join the League should apply to the Secretary in writing stating their reasons for joining. The application will contain an agreement to abide by the Leagues Constitution and Rules, the current fees, and be signed by an official of the club, Secretary, Captain or Director.

Any Club applying to join will be discussed at the AGM and to be accepted will require a 75% majority vote. The criteria for accepting a new club member to the League is:

a) the format can accommodate another club or have a vacancy expected within a year.
b) The club is situated within a reasonable travelling distance of other league member clubs.

All new clubs joining will be at commencement from the next season and they will be allocated to the lowest division. The Committee's decision is final.

12. Club Exit from the league

In the event a Club (or Team in the case of those Clubs with 2 Teams) no longer wishes to continue membership of the League the Club must give formal notice in writing to the league Secretary outlining reasons for exit. Exit can only be allowed by giving formal notice in writing by a club at the end of a season after the last game has been played or no later than 14 days after the AGM.

Entry fees will not be refunded if clubs leave the league after 31st January.

Clubs wishing to re-join shall go through the Application procedure outlined above.

13. Presentation Day

There will be a Presentation Day run each year at a venue and date arranged by the League Committee. The numbers to attend are to be governed by available facilities with Team Captains and Divisional Order of Merit winners taking precedence; additional team members may be invited. The Divisional winners' trophies, Knockout Cup, and Order of Merit prizes will be presented on the Day.

14. Other Events
The League will run an annual Knockout Cup competition. This competition will be a better ball format match play of 6 players per team in a doubles format.

Approved by
October 2024